






This energetic coaching session can bring fast change and awareness. Lynnae will facilitate those deep-rooted beliefs and limitations.

You will leave the session with your next steps and amazing tools to continue to use!


Your beliefs are energy too and they create your thoughts which are energy as well. And the brain is the most powerful electromagnetic processing tool ever created. Once processed, your beliefs and thoughts create an e-motion (energy in motion). Your emotions are where your true power lies and the true guiding force that tells you whether what you are believing feels light or feels heavy.

Hello, I am Lynnae...

Lynnae works with female entrepreneurs and seekers grow thriving businesses and healthy relationships. One of her greatest gifts is the ability to see beyond the words to uncover limitations.

Over the past 32 years she has been in personal transformation work. She enjoyed 22 years with Mary Kay Cosmetics a top Sales Director coaching hundreds of women and empowering them to become mentally, emotionally stronger and to operate their own successful businesses.

Energetic coaching sessions bring a fast resolution for personal and business awareness. This creates transformation for a radical change in your life and business with ease. This coaching is a nonlinear process that assist clients looking for “something more”.

Energetic coaching and facilitation help you change your life by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining habits, behaviors, and goals. I will facilitate you into your deep-rooted beliefs. I will teach tools for continued integration finding your own answers tuning into your own awareness and intuition and uncovering your own points of views and limitations.

Change the energy and transform your life with more ease and joy!

Working With Lynnae.....

Leticia Dao

Lynnae is a great facilitator of limiting beliefs. I’ve done her one on one’s sessions and to this day it still resonates with me. We all have the power within to change anything, to create and sometimes we just need a little nudge, push, shove. Just Kidding. We get out of life what we’re willing to receive. Lynnae, you’re a gift, thank you.

Kim Frazer

Lynnae is a very open vessel of love. She is so willing to help you through anything that stops you. Sometimes we don’t know what stops us but her gift to laser into those limitations is amazing. Amazing breakthroughs occur! She has helped me move mountains and will continue to do so she is my true-life coach!!!

Dara Stringer 

Lynnae Ann assisted me in shifting how I view money, how money is energy itself and the big one for me is...- receiving money!!!! Join me in this next class!!!! Lynnae is an incredible facilitator on money. She opens up space, freedom and ease with money that I am EXPERIENCING still.  Looking forward to growing more in my awareness this time too!”

Erin Lloyd

If it feels light to you and your body, when you imagine working with Lynnae, choose it! You will not regret it.
I always feel better after our sessions.
She's a pro, a wiz and an absolute delight to work with.

What is energy clearing or also called verbal processing and facilitation and how can it help you?

This session goes far beyond traditional coaching, counseling or therapy to give you lasting results more quickly and easily than traditional methods. This session can be used to target change in any area - health, body sex, relationships, money, business, you, your life - the possibilities are infinite!

During a Verbal Processing Facilitation Session Lynnae will ask questions to bring up the energies of whatever is stopping you or preventing you from creating what you truly desire. She will then blast it out of existence with the clearing statement.

This process unlocks limitation and empowers you to tap into your knowing and to know what will actually work for you. By unlocking limitations and following what is true for you, you can create the health, wealth and life you truly desire.



Book Your Session Here

Join Lynnae To Unlock Your Path For Greater Possibilities

Discover a world of possibilities with Lynnae as she guides you through practical tools to transform every aspect of your life. Say goodbye to the constraints of old habits and limitations from the past, and embrace the freedom of living in the present moment.


After just one session, countless individuals have experienced a profound shift that completely transformed their lives.

Lynnae knows that many of us grapple with these barriers, which often keep us feeling stuck and unsatisfied, preventing us from reaching our full potential.


Are you prepared to break free and create more space and clarity in both your life and your business?

Let's go on this journey of transformation together!



  • What You Get: Each session is approx. 1 hour long and tailored to the person's individual needs
  • This energetic coaching session can bring fast change and awareness. Let’s facilitate those deep-rooted beliefs and limitations.
  • Leave the session with your next steps and amazing tools to continue to use! Change energy and transform your life with more ease.
  • Sessions normally $ $200 for 60 minutes.
  • Take advantage of this one time only offer.
  • These one-to-one sessions can be about anything you desire! There is nothing you can’t talk about.

  • All Zoom calls will be recorded for you for future clearing. 

Book Your Session